Multimedia Projector/Document Cameras
New teaching techniques will be supported at WJHS through this grant, which provides two pilot projector/camera purchases. This technology allows teachers to display documents and 3-D objects onto a plasma screen television or a whiteboard.
Wilmette Junior High
This grant supported cinemagraphic expert Steven Frentzel’s presentation during the 7 th grade narrative writing unit entitled “Short and Shivery”. The presentation consists of a series of film clips that illustrate the way in which Hollywood masters were/are able to create suspense and fear without tremendous violence
Central School 4th Grade
One of the 4th grade classrooms will be piloting new teaching and feedback tools. This Gripp Grant will purchase a 78” Activboard, 10 Activotes and 2 Activslates. These interactive tools allow students to respond to teacher questions during the lesson. This helps to instantly check for understanding, facilitating efficient formative assessment within the classrooms.
Central School Computer Lab
Central School’s computer lab received a new FM Sound Field System with this award. This system allows all students to hear what the teacher is saying, even if from across the room. This supports the District 39 gender study, enhancing learning for all, particularly for boys, whose auditory systems differ at this age from girls.
Central School 3rd Grade
A 3rd grade classroom is using iMovies for extension activities, and as a student assessment tool. The software and additional laptop receive wide use for writing, reading, social studies, science and math applications!